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Scatter Brain

3 подписчика

It's a Wrap, March!

Hi. It's been a while... I don't like to glorify busy, but that's exactly how I've been. I re-read my round-up from February, and realized that everything remains true; in fact, even worse. Worse in the sense that both Roan and I have been working our bums off because our boss fired one member of

Filing Form I-751, Petition to Remove the Conditions of Residence

This April marks my second year as an immigrant here in the US (I know, can you believe it?), and with that comes more immigration-related things to deal with. Allow me to deviate a little from the typical travel and lifestyle posts you read here on SCATTERBRAIN in order to share my personal

Travel Diary: Hoover Dam

I've clearly become one of those bloggers who end up writing about their travel experiences several months later. Had I not seen two of my friends' Hoover Dam photos on their Instagram, I wouldn't have been inspired to finally sit down and edit my own from our trip, six months ago on Labor Day

It's a Wrap, February!

If someone had told me that I'll eventually end up blogging once a month at most, I would've laughed in his face, but the joke's on me now. We've heard it all before—I've been busy. No, I'm not gloating, but it's the hard truth. My days (and my husband's, too) have become so unpredictable in the

It's a Wrap, January!

If there's one thing I could point out about this month, it's change. Last weekend, I noticed that the sun no longer sets at 4:30-ish, meaning winter in this part of the US is coming to an end. A friend of ours pointed out that the end of winter season meant skipping spring, thus heading straight

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